Harker's Organics
Crafted with the highest quality of ingredients available, each artisanal preserve contains no less than 95% certified organic ingredients!
Harker's Organics
Crafted with the highest quality of ingredients available, each artisanal preserve contains no less than 95% certified organic ingredients!
2238 Highway 3 Cawston, British Columbia | (250) 499-2751
Pacific Agricultural Certification Society (PACS)
The PACS is an incorporated society within the province of British Columbia and as a not for profit society is controlled by the clients it serves. As there are no profits, fees are tied directly to costs.
Our floating scale certification fees keep costs reasonable for all of our clients, from small growers to multi-million dollar food processors and distributors.
The PACS has a number of programs including Canada Organic Regime organic certification, which gives clients the option of exporting to other provinces, the USA and overseas. We certify enterprises Canada wide.
Information Sourced from:
PACS Certified Organic Home Page
CanadaGAP Food Safety
CanadaGAP® is a food safety program for companies that produce, handle and broker fruits and vegetables. It is designed to help implement and maintain effective food safety procedures within fresh produce operations. Two manuals, one specific to greenhouse operations, the second for other fruit and vegetable operations, have been developed by the horticultural industry and reviewed for technical soundness by Canadian government officials. The manuals are designed for companies implementing Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in their production, packing and storage operations, and for repackers and wholesalers implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and HACCP programs. The program is also designed for fresh produce brokers implementing best practices in supplier management and product traceability.
The manuals are based on a rigorous hazard analysis applying the seven principles of the internationally-recognized HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) approach. The program is benchmarked to and officially recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Audit and certification services for the program are delivered by accredited Certification Bodies.
Information Sourced from:
Overview of CanadaGAP
Salmon Safe Program
Salmon-Safe is an independent third-party certification program that helps educate land users, retailers and consumers about the importance of protecting healthy and functioning ecosystems and watersheds that are essential to Pacific salmon.
Salmon require clean, cool rivers to thrive and spawn. Poorly managed farms can have a major impact on water quality and habitat. For example, erosion and runoff can bring silt into the rivers, covering the spawning gravels where salmon eggs hatch, leaving them exposed and unprotected. Chemicals can wash into the waterways, causing damage to young fish. Excessive irrigation can deplete streams and rivers. The lack of vegetation along stream banks can increase stream temperature, resulting in the absence of habitat structures for salmon as well as other fish and wildlife.
Much of British Columbia’s agriculture land, which is the basis of B.C.’s food production, is located in valley bottoms. These agriculture lands surround the rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands, which are the foundations of many B.C.’s most valuable fish habitats. In addition to land pressures, there are also competing interests in water resources. Farmers and farmland have an important role in protecting and preserving fish and wildlife habitat.
More than 20 farms are Salmon-Safe certified in different sub-sectors of agriculture, including mixed fruit and vegetable, poultry, beef, hops, hazelnuts, and wine grapes. This includes both organic and non-organic farms. Certified farms are primarily located in the lower Fraser Valley and the Okanagan-Similkameen areas.
Information Sourced from:
Salmon Safe FAQs